
mt Factory Tour vol. 12 - Celebrating a Century of Creativity: Kamoi's 100th Anniversary

Warehouse with a tuktuk, Japanese bubble car and a MINI decorated in mt 'washi' Masking Tape.

In 2023, the picturesque town of Kurashiki, Japan, welcomed more than 13,000 enthusiasts from across the globe for a truly special occasion – the 100th-anniversary celebration of Kamoi Kakoshi Factory, the birthplace of everyone's beloved mt masking tape. This marked the 11th edition of the mt Factory Tour, an event eagerly anticipated by fans of this iconic brand.


Just as in previous years, the factory tour did not disappoint. Colourful and eye-catching displays welcomed visitors as they entered the premises. Customised cars, tuktuks, and bicycles were decorated with captivating geometric patterns, setting the stage for an immersive experience.


Attendees had the opportunity to delve into the rich history of the mt brand and explore innovative and practical ways to incorporate mt masking tape into their creative endeavours. The Ennichi & Outlet shop, nestled within the factory, offered an array of delightful mt products for purchase.

One of the standout features of the factory tour was mt's engaging and creative approach in presenting their tape production processes. Visitors were encouraged to try their luck with the Ennichi: Gacha Gacha machines, take part in the mt lottery, and take on the catching tape challenge, all of which added a playful and interactive dimension to the tour.

During the tour, attendees also had the chance to admire a monumental mural commemorating Kamoi's 100th anniversary and explore the 'mt next 100 project.'

The mural, a remarkable creation by the renowned artist Yusuke Asai, symbolises the intricate ecosystem of the universe.

Meanwhile, the 'mt next 100 project' underscores Kamoi's dedication to a sustainable future through a range of innovative initiatives. One noteworthy initiative is the "heta box," which contains tape offcuts with irregular shapes, offering endless creative possibilities for imaginative DIY projects, thus highlighting mt's unwavering commitment to waste minimisation.

The tour was filled with fascinating moments. Notably, around 200,000 rolls of the 100th-anniversary special items were sold during the event, showcasing the global appeal of mt masking tape.

The festivities didn't stop at the factory gates. Concurrently, mt held other events at various locations, including a Kiosk at Kurashiki station, IVY square, Fukiya Elementary School, and Achi shrine. 

A staggering statistic also came to light – Kamoi's production line manufactures approximately 100,000 rolls per day, amounting to an astonishing 25,200,000 rolls per year. This production capacity is a testament to the enduring popularity of mt masking tape.

Another highlight was the dazzling display of artwork from various tape artists participating in the 5th annual art contest. These artists pushed the boundaries of creativity, crafting impressive collages, hyper-realistic scenarios, intricate patterns, and lifelike portraits using mt masking tape. The "mt Design contest" recognised and honoured several winners, showcasing the limitless possibilities that mt tape offers to artists and creators.

As the curtains fell on the 11th edition of the mt Factory Tour, attendees left with hearts full of inspiration and anticipation for the future. With Kamoi celebrating a century of creativity and innovation, the "mt next 100 project" serves as a testament to the brand's commitment to sustainability and the enduring allure of mt masking tape. We eagerly await the next chapter in this remarkable journey of artistic expression and eco-consciousness. 

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