
The uses mt Masking Tape can have is unlimited, from adding that finishing touch to your bullet journal, to jazzing up a photo frame. Be inspired by the marvellous creations of amazing artists and craft enthusiasts around the world.

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CraftingSpooky and fun Halloween decorations with mt Masking Tape

Spooky and fun Halloween decorations with mt Masking Tape

Halloween is the perfect time to get creative, and what better way to add a spooky flair to your decorations than with washi tape? This versatile, decorative tape comes in endless patterns and colo...

CraftingBoost Your Productivity with mt Masking Tape

Boost Your Productivity with mt Masking Tape

We always start the new year with plenty of motivation and drive but as the year goes on, do you notice your productivity levels beginning to drop? As a journal enthusiast, I’m always looking for w...

CraftingCreate a personalised memory card game with mt Masking Tape

Create a personalised memory card game with mt Masking Tape

This memory card game is perfect to play with the kids. Play at home or take the deck away on holiday for instant fun on the go. This step-by-step uses 10 different tape patterns to form a deck of ...