Wicked Washi

Wicked Washi

Get crafty this Halloween with some spooky mt washi masking tape. We have 5 creepy Halloween designs to choose from for 2017 decorated with all things Halloween including pumpkins, ghosts, bats, sp...

CraftingGift Wrapping with Washi

Gift Wrapping with Washi

For the ultimate personalised gift, try gift wrapping using mt masking tape. With hundreds of patterns and colours to choose from, you can create a gift that is truly unique. There are several ways...

Newsmt Masking Tape Factor Tour Vol. 6

mt Masking Tape Factor Tour Vol. 6

On Friday 24th March 2017, mt masking tape began their annual factory tour in their home town Kurashiki in Japan. After a short tour of the production line, visitors were able to explore the mt fac...

TrendingWashi your Wedding: 4 ways to use mt Masking Tape on your Big Day!

Washi your Wedding: 4 ways to use mt Masking Tape on your Big Day!

Wedding season is in full swing and with the abundance of weddings each year it is important to make your own personal mark, so you stand out from the crowd. mt Masking Tape is ideal for the creati...