Boost Your Productivity with mt Masking Tape

Boost Your Productivity with mt Masking Tape

We always start the new year with plenty of motivation and drive but as the year goes on, do you notice your productivity levels beginning to drop? As a journal enthusiast, I’m always looking for ways to keep my journal efficient and focused so let’s revisit how to boost our productivity and stay organised with mt Masking Tape! If you’re not familiar, washi tape is a versatile Japanese paper tape that can be used in a variety of ways so I'll be using it to help me easily colour-code, decorate, highlight and visualise!



Plan In Advance

Begin the day by planning your workload in advance. Maybe you want to write down some objectives or goals to work towards, or maybe you need to track your habits that day or even set the tone of the day with a positive affirmation. Something as simple as this can get you in the right mindset to start the day and contribute to a more productive working manner. Try and make this a fun page by decorating with patterned washi tape - this works well even if you’re at school or work!


Write Tasks Down

Arguably the easiest and often overlooked method of productivity is to write tasks down. Try writing your main tasks down and highlighting them (I’ve done this with colourful washi tape!) and jot down notes and thoughts throughout the day. There’s nothing worse when you know you’ve forgotten to do something but can’t remember what it is and spend half the day trying to figure it out again!

Colour Coding

Meal planning is a great way to eliminate the stress of thinking about what to eat each week thus saving you so much time in the long run. See how this page has been colour coded for breakfast, lunch and dinner and works simultaneously with the corresponding shopping list! I’ve used mt Masking Tape’s ‘Write & Draw’ tape to colour-code this page as its improved writable surface makes it that much easier to use. This method can be transferred to other tasks like fitness trackers or reading logs.

Organise Efficiently

A major part of productivity is to work efficiently - spending some extra time to plan your journal can allow you to streamline how you use it. Adding small tabs on the edges of your page and identifying them with washi tape can instantly transform how you visualise your pages. No more flicking endlessly through each page to find what you need but instead you can immediately see what you need when you need it.