If you are an mt Masking Tape addict and have a never-ending supply of tape, then you may find yourself in a predicament when it comes to storing your precious tape. Your heart is telling you that your collection of tape is far too beautiful to hide in a dark bottom drawer, but your mind is telling you that your tapes will topple over and roll away in a sticky mess if you leave them out on show. If you find yourself in this sticky situation then fear not as we have chosen our favourite ways of showcasing tape in a tidy, effective and aesthetically pleasing way.
Drawer Dividers
Like your surfaces neat and tidy but don’t want to throw your tapes into the dark depths of a messy drawer? Muji drawer dividers provide the perfect solution helping to keep things in order. With plenty of room you can store an abundance of tape in all shapes and sizes. Arranging your tape into colour themes and gradients can help when choosing tape and will brighten up your morning when you open the drawer.

We love these trays from Hay. They are simple and beautifully designed and retain tape neatly in one area without taking up too much surface area. Theses trays are a handy storage solution as you can move your tape from room to room without making a mess.
Tape Tower
mt Masking Tape is more than a simple everyday stationery item…why not create your very own art centrepiece and fashion a masking tape tower that will brighten up any office. Another bonus is that colleagues and friends will be fearful of pinching your prized tape in case they knock the tower over!
Photo credit @whatsthestorycph
Washi Rail
The use of a wooden rail is a very stylish way to neatly display rolls of mt if you are lacking space. Install the rail on a wall above your desk so your tape is within close reach.
Photo credit @bluebellsdesign
Flash Tidy Tray
Add a splash of colour to your desk at home or work with these fun stackable Perspex trays from lund london. These gleaming trays will show the patterns and colours of mt Masking Tape in their best light. The Trays are wipe clean so will keep your tapes looking pristine.
Photo credit @lundlondonhome